Books Referenced In Upcoming Episodes

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The first year of Words About Books has flown by. We’ve learned a lot about podcasting since we started back in January, and we’ve picked up quite a few new listeners. There have been numerous suggestions/ideas for new books, episode formats, and non-book content. We’ve also noticed that people seem to prefer shorter episodes released more frequently. With these things in mind, in 2021 we will be moving to a weekly release schedule. We will still continue to read 1 book per month as a club, but rather than try to stretch every book to fit a “Dune” length discussion, we’re going to experiment with mixing in some new episode formats.

Some of these new episode formats will include deep dives on interesting authors, non-fiction book recommendations, discussions about the publishing industry, short stories, and some surprises. As we ramp up to this new weekly schedule we’re going to be working some of these episode formats in throughout October, November, and December. Many of these episodes will reference books outside of our normal reading schedule, and while you won’t need to read these books to follow the episode, I thought that some listeners may appreciate a heads up.

First, for a list of all the books we will be reading and have already read as part of our book club please check out:

Below is a list of “extra credit” books that will be featured on upcoming episodes:


I co-host the Words About Books podcast with my writing partner Nate.

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